Basic principles of roofing remain the same whatever the roof covering is fitted. There are, however, a few important differences between our roofs and most others.
Because of this we normally offer a supply and fit service. The contractor builds up to and including the roof deck, then we take over and install the membrane, tiles, valleys and any flat areas. We arrive with all materials, tools, and scaffolding. When we go, all we leave is a finished roof, all garbage and excess is removed.
There are many advantages in this to the contractor. Our system, unlike most others, actually waterproofs the building as the first stage of installation. Our membrane is approved as a roof in its own right for up to 6 months. It is usually complete in the first day or so of us arriving on site. The contractor can now progress the interior up to and including final decoration, so reducing timescales and increasing profits. In contrast, most other roof coverings do not provide a waterproof building until the last piece is fitted.
Our tiles are designed to be quick to fit. Our experienced crews work quickly and cleanly, 2,000 sq. ft. roof can be fitted in as little as 3 days. Tiles fitted by our crews are fitted to the demanding Miami / Dade High Velocity Hurricane Zone codes, and as such we are happy to give a 35 year warrantee so reducing the contractors liability.
“Professional”, “tidy”, “respectful”, “fast” are all comments from contractors.
If you prefer we can train you staff, but of course we cannot then give a warrantee on fitting.
As with traditional slate or flat tile roof, although certainly possible, walking directly on the finished roof is not advised. We recommend the use of roof ladders and / or roof walk boards.
While fitting we typically use walk boards, ½” plywood backed with 3” plus foam rubber. These provide a simple, non-slip, work platform and can be provided to the contractor FOC if required.
Removing and replacement of a broken tile is both simple and quick. It closely follows the procedure to replace a traditional slate.
Simply put, the old tile is cut out, adhesive is applied to the new tile, new tile is slid in place and held for a few seconds.